Friday, 13 August 2010

Oak Eggar Moth Catapilar

We found this catapillar at Scoulty Hill, Banchory. The bottom pic is the camped-up moth.

Sawfly catapillar

A Sawfly catapillar found in a cave at the Fairy Pools, Skye. The bottom pic shows the hatched Sawfly.

Flower (unkown), Skye

Look at its little dragon face!

Brighteye flower, Skye

Chief of Clan MacAskill's hoosie until 1800's.

Where are ye MacAskill when I want te compliment ye on your hoose? Did ye mak it yer sel? Clever laddie.

Iron age dun settlement at Carn Mor, Loch Brittle, Skye

Claigan Coral Beach near Dunvegan, Skye


It turns out this 'coral' is in actual fact calcified sea weed called 'maerl'.  It is is commonly harvested and used as a soil conditioner and animal food additive. But why has it all accumulated on one small stretch of beach?

The Fairy Pools at Glen Brittle, Skye

Freezing waters in a cavernous pool which made for an exhilorating swim!

Bruach na Frithe

Ross and I climbed Bruach na Frithe, Skye on Tueday the 12th of August 2010.